25 kilometers (16 miles) south east of Rome, at the shores of the Mediterranean lies Ostia Antica. An incredible place for everyone who loves history and archeology. In ancient times Ostia Antica was a busy harbor city. At its peak in the 2nd century as many as
100 000 people may have lived here. Nowadays it is one of the most important archeological sites in Europe.
history of Ostia
We don’t know much about the early history of the city. Some archeologist claim the area was settled 2600 years ago. However, the oldest buildings still standing belong to a military camp built about 300 years later. By now the Romans had conquered large parts of Italy and needed a large port to supply their growing capital. Being so close to Rome and laying at the mouth of the river Tiber, Ostia was in a good position to handle small and medium sized merchant ships. But lacking a natural harbor it was a dangerous place for large vessels.
That meant Ostia had to compete with ports further afield like Puetoli and Naples.
In the first century A.D. the emperors Claudius and Nero built large artificial harbors at Ostia. From now on the city would be the dominant port in Italy. It would stay that way for centuries. From all over the empire huge merchant ships arrived delivering wine, olive oil, Tyrean purple dye, pottery, slaves, ironworks and tons of free grain to feed Rome’s
1 million people.
Being a harbor city brought jobs and wealth to Ostia, but also trouble.
During a civil war 88-87 B.C. the general Gaius Marius occupied Ostia. He wanted to stop the transport of food to his opponents who had taken control of the Rome
A few years later Ostia was sacked by a band of really nasty pirates. Luckily for the Ostians, the pirates were soon defeated and the fortifications strengthened.
In the 4th century the Roman empire went into decline. In 410 Rome was sacked by the Visigoths and 45 years later by the Vandals.
As the population in Rome declined there was less need for a large port like Ostia.
Still it was not before the 9th century about after several attacks from Arabic invaders that the city was completely abandoned.
Life in Ostia
Ostia was a cosmopolitan city. In the streets You Would see people wearing all kinds of colorful robes, hear a multitude of languages, and witness people worship all kinds of deities. You would see sailors from Greece and Egypt, slaves from Gaul and Germany, Phoenician traders from North Africa and Lebanon, Italians, Illyrians, Jews from Judea and Iberians from Spain.
Work in Ostia
Most men in Ostia worked in professions associated with transportation and shipping. They were seamen, dockworker, shipbuilders or they worked in one of the many storage houses near the harbor.
Others were bakers, masons, soldiers or worked for the government.
A smaller group of people were the wealthy business men who owned the shipyards, the ships and the storage houses.
Many workers were members of a collegium which was an association for people with a certain profession like bakers, dockworkers etc.
Women in Ostia were housewives and took care of the house and the small children. Many women were slaves and worked in the large houses of the rich.
Childhood in Ostia
Roman upbringing was strict. The eldest male in the household was the head of the family. Wife, children and slaves (if they could afford slaves) had to obey him. Physical punishment was common and seen as a good thing.
Some boys would attend school, but it was not mandatory. Boys from poor families would start working as soon as they were able to. The Girls helped their mothers taking care of the house and looking after younger siblings. Girls married young, often at the age of 12. A 15year old bride was considered old. Males would marry in their twenties.
Games and toys found by Archeologists proves that Roman kids had spare time too.
Girls played with dolls and the boys with wooden swords and horses.
Religion in Ostia
Like all Roman cities Ostia had temples dedicated to Roman Gods. There were also temples dedicated to the emperor Augustus (The emperor was believed to be divine) and to eastern gods like Isis and Kybele. Many religious feasts and processions took place in the streets.
By the first century Many Jews had settled down in the area and built a synagogue which you can still visit. Later on, a new faith, Christianity would arrive. In the beginning the adherents of the forbidden religion would gather for worship in their own houses. Later they would build churches, and Ostia became an important center for early Christianity.
What Is great about Ostia
Very few tourists know about Ostia Antica. In my opinion that is a good thing. In Ostia antica there are no waiting lines, no crowds, no angry guards, no stress, no noise. Only happy tourists and singing birds.
The site also has many impressive mosaics. Some of them are huge and are depicting life in the ancient port. These mosaics are a great source of knowledge to historians and archeologists.
Places of interest
The theatre, forum, temple to Hercules and Synagouge, basilica of.
The best way to visit Ostia Antica
First of all, a trip to Ostia should be combined with a trip to Rome.
The day you decide to visit the place get up early in the morning and eat a good breakfast. Then buy a good Italian sandwich, some fruit and a good juice which you put in your knapsack. Then off you go with a good travel companion. This can be your family, a parent, or a grandparent. Just make sure to go to Ostia Antica and not just Ostia which is a modern town.
Once Inside the site, walk around, take a few photographs or draw some of what you see if you feel like it. If you are curious about something discuss it with your companions and google it. When you get hungry eat your lunch at the theater.
If you are tired and feel you have seen enough go back to your hotel. If you are game for it, go to the museum and take a closer look at the impressive mosaics.
You can choose to eat dinner at the site, or you can go back to Rome and eat late dinner there. My suggestion would be a good Roman Pizza and gelato (Italian ice cream) for dessert.